- Pay
starts at $1,125.00. That's $0.45 for starters depending on
experience and performance
- 2,500
miles per week
- Route
takes 5-7 days out with a 34 hours reset time / 48 hours home time
- Might
need to run outside of route depending on client's needs
who would like to be considered must live inside the city of Houston,
TX or inside a 75 miles around this city. Drivers who reside outside
this scope will not be considered, Jordan (832) 548-0904 can help you
verify if your residence allows you to be an applicant.
are always open for drivers who would like to work in teams. If you
have an already stablished team or would like to be part of one, let
us know! We have a job waiting for you!!!
- NO
MORE THAN 4 Jobs in past 3 years;
- No
more than 2 jobs in the past YEAR;
- Can't
be termed from his last employer
- We
will review accidents and violations if there are any
Medical card;
- Valid
Class A driver's license;
- Must
have 6 months experience;
- Must
have no more than 2 accidents in the last 5 years nor
2 tickets in the last 3 years
- Must
be 21 years or older.